
Investment experts, all started from being a novice, and financial management is no exception.

Don't look at me now being able to chat with everyone here, sharing some of my own financial management experience, back then, I was also a pure novice. For example: When Yu'e Bao was born, I dared not to invest, and I didn't know to invest in other money market funds. Later, after I knew about money market funds, I bought up to 5 different money market funds at most, um, it should be to diversify risks.

For the fixed investment in the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300, I also chose 2, also afraid of what to do if the company runs away? It's not possible for two companies to run away together, right? As for financial products, I dare not buy, always feel that it is not guaranteed, what if I lose money? … …


As a novice, always want to make money, want to gain experience, but do not want to take risks, do not want to lose money, and are afraid of not making money or having doubts: Can this really make money? Also feel that the threshold may be too high, is it within reach?

I have summarized several financial management methods, especially suitable for entry-level financial management players with zero economic and experience foundations. The threshold is low, the technical content is low, there is no risk or low risk. It is basically a sure win, and it also gains experience, and is also suitable for financial management operations after the funds increase.

1. Treasury bonds

Advantages: No risk, sure to make a profit, low threshold, starting from 100.

Disadvantages: The interest is slightly lower, and it needs to be grabbed when it is in short supply.

Reasons for recommendation: Don't look down on the interest of treasury bonds. A few years ago, I also bought treasury bonds with an interest rate of 5 points, and now? The interest on treasury bonds basically follows the economy. When the interest on treasury bonds decreases, the interest on other fixed-income products will also decrease.

Treasury bonds have 3-year and 5-year terms, which is a bit long, but this is also one of its advantages. Forced savings, as a moat for a small family, is the most secure. Moreover, after buying, there will be interest on time or in advance in the next few years, that feeling, it is really too good.2. Money Market Funds

Advantages: The interest rate is higher than demand deposits, with the flexibility to withdraw funds at any time, low risk, and essentially risk-free.

Disadvantages: The interest rate is also getting lower and is now just over 1%.

3. Fund Regular Investment

I have recommended this many times before, don't hesitate. Choose from the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 or the CSI 500, it doesn't matter which one. Any company's funds will do, and the fees are not a big deal. If you really make money, these fees will definitely be earned back. Don't worry about whether it's 3400, 2800, or 4300 points, start with regular investment first.

Reading more experiences is not as good as actually operating it yourself.

The following requires opening a securities account, which can be done on your mobile phone.

4. Treasury Repo

Advantages: Risk-free, guaranteed profit. The threshold is low, starting at 1,000 yuan for both the Shanghai and Shenzhen markets, and the interest rate fluctuates every day. At the end of the month, quarter, or before holidays, the interest rate can be higher, and I even saw a 4% interest rate one day. The funds are flexible, if you do a one-day term, the funds are available the next day, and you can still buy stocks and funds, but the funds can only be withdrawn on the third day.

Disadvantages: If you want high returns, you need to watch the market, and it's not worth it if the amount of funds is small.Translation:

Recommendation Reason: The interest is slightly higher than that of money market funds. If it's 1 percentage point higher, for 10,000 yuan, it's an extra 100 yuan in a year, and for 100,000 yuan, it's 1,000 yuan. It just depends on whether you are willing to take the effort to get this extra benefit.

5. Convertible Bond New Issue

Advantages: The risk is relatively low. Winning one hand only requires 1,000 yuan, of course, it's better to reserve more in the account, in case you are lucky enough to win two hands, or win different new bonds at the same time.

Disadvantages: It's similar to buying lottery tickets, making money mainly depends on luck. You might win several in a month, or you might not win any for several months. It's not easy to win when the market is good, but it's easy or inevitable to win when the market is bad, but it's easy to break even after listing.

Recommendation Reason: It's not white not to get this extra benefit. As a beginner, you can completely get this extra benefit when the market is good, and stop when the market is not good. When is the market good? It's when the winning rate is getting lower and lower (you can check on the same flower smooth), and there are a lot of "share the joy" following the posts of winning in Xiaota.

6. Buy some stocks

Recommendation Reason: I'm not recommending stock trading, and I never recommend people to trade stocks, and I don't regard stock trading as my own way of making money. Buying some stocks is completely to gain experience and qualifications. In case there is more money in two years, you can open the science and innovation board~ Moreover, you can operate reverse repurchase of government bonds, new bond issues, securities financial management, etc., in the securities account, and the risk is not high. Besides, even if you don't use it, there is no loss. Don't know which stock to buy, choose the stocks of the four major banks, which one is cheap to buy, one hand is only a few hundred yuan, if the handling fee is free five, it can be ignored.

Spend a little handling fee, earn a qualification for yourself, it is still very worthwhile.

The financial management methods I recommend have all been personally practiced, with many benefits:

It can cultivate one's patience in diversifying funds. At the low point, it is easy to be unable to control one's hand and always want to add positions. However, no matter how tempting the market is, the fixed income products cannot be less (government bonds are the first choice for fixed income). It can also make oneself accustomed to the feeling of having a stable income on a regular basis.When it comes to emergency funds for the family, many people's first reaction is to think of money market funds. In fact, reverse repurchase of government bonds is not inferior at all, it's even slightly better than money market funds.

As for fixed investment in funds, I won't go into that, my financial dreams rely entirely on it.

Hitting new issues of convertible bonds not only cures the itch but also allows for a bit of profiteering, it's the best choice for beginners.

Buying some stocks is like giving oneself a glimmer of hope.
